PhD Position in Biology, Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Interdisciplinary Areas

Study Subject: 
Computer Science,
Institute of Science and Technology
Scholarship Description:
The Graduate School at IST Austria invites applicants from all countries to its PhD program. IST Austria is a new institution located on the outskirts of Vienna dedicated to cutting-edge basic research in the natural sciences and related disciplines. The language at the Institute and the Graduate School is English.
The PhD program combines advanced coursework and research, with a focus on Biology, Computer Science, Neuroscience, and interdisciplinary areas.
IST Austria offers internationally competitive PhD salaries supporting 4-5 years of study.
Applicants must hold either a Bachelor or Master degree or equivalent.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 January 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application click Here

CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme

Job Description: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), an ensemble of 37 state-of-the art institutes, is amongst the foremost scientific and industrial research organizations. Over the years, this unique organization has helped India usher in a scientific milieu, creating and nurturing talent in a wide variety of S&T domains, spawned many organizations, many disciplines and most importantly has served as a nursery and training ground for most of India?s talented scientists and technologists. CSIR annually publishes over 3800 papers in science journals and holds over 3000 patents.

“CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme” has been instituted to identify promising young researchers with innovative ideas and provide them with training and research opportunities in niche areas of basic science, engineering, medicine and agriculture. The scheme aims at facilitating their transition from mentored to independent research career. CSIR intends to offer one hundred (100) such fellowships every year to promising fresh PhD holders for working in CSIR laboratories with state-of-art R&D facilities.

Eligibility: PhD degree holders within three years of award of PhD degree, or those who have submitted PhD theses. Applicants who are about to submit thesis are also eligible to apply, but their selection will be subject to the condition that they would have submitted thesis before the expiry of the validity of the award offer. Applicants should have research publications in high impact SCI journals.
Though CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is open to Indian nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), a certain number (up to 20%) of fellowships may be offered to foreign nationals.
Maximum Age Limit: 32 years, relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped and women candidates.

Tenure: Two years and extendable for maximum one more year based on outstanding performance and recommendation from the Director of the CSIR lab where working.
Remuneration: CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be paid a consolidated fellowship of Indian Rs. 35,000/- per month plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible and a contingency grant of Rs. 3.0 lakh per annum. 25% of the contingency grant can be used for domestic and international travel including per diem expenses.
Mode of selection: Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format, available on the website, any time of the year. However, the selections will be made twice a year, in the months of June and December. Applications received two months before the scheduled interview date will be considered for short listing and calling for interview. Eligible candidates must route their applications through the sponsoring CSIR laboratory.
Selections to the “CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” will be made based on the presentation of the proposed research project followed by interview of short listed candidates by specially constituted Committees. Applicants from abroad may also be considered in absentia, if eligible. Selection of foreign nationals will be subjected to clearance by ISTADS, CSIR.

Accommodation and other benefits: Accommodation may be provided by CSIR laboratories if available. CSIR rules on leased accommodation are being reviewed in the light of „Sixth Pay Commission? recommendations and will be made applicable as and when approved. CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be entitled for Medical benefits as per the CSIR rules for Research Associates.
Other relevant information:

(i) Candidates who have worked for their PhD from a particular CSIR laboratory will not be eligible for becoming a PDF in the same CSIR laboratory under this scheme.
(ii) 20% of the fellowship amount will be paid as lump sum at the end of completion of 1st and 2nd year, respectively.
(iii) Selected candidates are expected to join within four months of effective date of award.
All other rules and regulations will be as applicable to CSIR Research Associates (can be seen at Further, in all matters, the decision of CSIR shall be final.
List of CSIR laboratories and their R&D activities can be seen at For more information about CSIR labs, please visit the website of the individual Laboratory.

How to Apply
Please read the instructions, given at Annexure-I, carefully before filling the Application Form. The Application Proforma is given as Annexure-II. Application received without the Attestation of the Director of the Sponsoring CSIR laboratory will be rejected.
Where to Apply
Applications duly filled in the prescribed format and complete in all respect should be sent to:
Ms Sushila Khilnani,
Human Resource Development Group,
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue,
Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Email :
Tel : 011-25846077

“Application for CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” should clearly be written on top of the envelope containing application form.

Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer, Study Finds

Black raspberries are highly effective in preventing colorectal tumors in two mouse models of the disease, according to a University of Illinois at Chicago study.

The findings are published in the November issue of Cancer Prevention Research.
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in both men and women in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute.
Building on previous research that found black raspberries have antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-neurodegenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, the researchers looked at the fruit's ability to prevent colon cancer.
"We saw the black raspberry as a natural product, very powerful, and easy to access," said Dr. Wancai Yang, assistant professor of pathology at the UIC College of Medicine and senior author of the study, whose research focuses on the interactions of genetic and nutritional factors in the development of intestinal cancer and tumor prevention.
The researchers used two strains of mice, Apc1638 and Muc2, which each have a specific gene knocked out, causing the mice to develop either intestinal tumors (in the case of Apc1638) or colitis in the case of Muc2. Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer.
Both mouse strains were randomized to be fed either a Western-style, high-risk diet (high in fat and low in calcium and vitamin D) or the same diet supplemented with 10 percent freeze-dried black raspberry powder for 12 weeks.
The researchers found that in both mouse strains the black raspberry-supplemented diet produced a broad range of protective effects in the intestine, colon and rectum and inhibited tumor formation.
In the Apc1638 mice, tumor incidence was reduced by 45 percent and the number of tumors by 60 percent. The researchers found that black raspberries inhibited tumor development by suppressing a protein, known as beta-catenin, which binds to the APC gene.
In the Muc2 mice, tumor incidence and the number of tumors were both reduced by 50 percent, and black raspberries inhibited tumor development by reducing chronic inflammation associated with colitis.
The researchers now hope to obtain funding to begin clinical trials in humans, said Yang. Because black raspberries not only prevent cancer but also inflammation, they may also protect against other diseases, such as heart disease.
Yang is a member of the UIC Cancer Center. Co-authors are Xiuli Bi of UIC, Wenfeng Fang of UIC and Wuhan University in China, and Li-Shu Wang and Gary Stoner of the Ohio State University.
The research was funded by UIC's department of pathology and the National Cancer Institute.